OneBody International logo

Welcome! We are a family from South Carolina who founded OneBody International and we are now living in Taiwan. We are the first of a team we feel the Lord wants to build here and beyond. 歡迎!我們是南卡羅來納州的一個家庭,我們創立了OneBody International事工,現在我們住在台灣。我們是事工裡第一個來到台灣的團隊,我們知道天父會在台灣建立這個團隊以及做更多的事。

Our mission is to make followers of Jesus, introduce them to the fullness of what God the Father has for them, empower them to walk in their identity in Him by Holy Spirit, and train them to do the same thing with others. 我們的使命是使人成為耶穌的門徒,讓他們知道天父為他們所預備,使他們能夠通過聖靈在他們身上行走,訓練他們與他人做同樣的事。

Our vision is to see a discipleship movement of people in love with God, growing in true identity, and marked by the works and ways of Jesus, permeate the nation of Taiwan and spread from here into all of Asia and the world. 我們的願景是看到一個愛上帝的人的門徒運動,以真實的身份成長,並以耶穌的作為和方式為標誌,滲透到台灣,並從台灣傳播到亞洲和世界的每一個角落。

Our prayer is that you would be blessed, challenged, and encouraged in your journey with God the Father as you spend time with us here, on social media, and perhaps even in person. 我們的祈禱是,當你跟我們在一起的時候, 不管是在社交媒體上,或甚至面對面時,你將會在與天父的旅程中得到祝福,挑戰和鼓勵。

Please feel free to contact us and subscribe to our updates to stay in touch. 請隨時與我們聯繫並訂閱我們的更新以保持聯繫。

We are 100% support-based and would love it if you would consider partnering with us and join us in that way on this journey with the Lord. 我們在台灣是完全透過奉獻來服事。如果你有考慮要以奉獻的方式加入我們的事工並且與我們和天父一起服侍,我們會非常地樂意。

Have a blessed day! 祝福你!

Clay 唐弘恩, Rhonda, Charis 唐恩語, Meili 唐美力, & Liliana Danner