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The Shire, from J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” was a beautiful and considerably sleepy little place in the grand scheme of Middle Earth. It was here, after a visit from Gandalf and a group of dwarves, that the ordinary Bilbo Baggins was invited on a journey, a journey for which he initially felt drastically under-qualified, which even made him question the sanity of the one asking. After several initial declines, he decided to say “yes”, and his life changed forever.

"Each step along the journey he had to make a choice..."

“Each step along the journey he had to make a choice…”

He became part of a grander story, one that ultimately helped him realize the depths of his identity, find a greater sense of purpose, and restore things that had gone wrong in the lives of others and the world. Each step along the journey he had to make a choice, he could turn back as things got harder and what lay ahead was unclear and potentially scary, or he could continue on and see through to completion the quest for which he was born.

This story resonates deep within me…

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  • Smitty G - God bless y’all in this chapter of following Him!!ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thank you Mrs. Smitty! I’m hoping to talk with you soon and will hopefully be seeing Amy next week!ReplyCancel

  • Becky Keyes - I would love to get your newsletter/updates!ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Mrs. Becky, I can sign you up, but you can also sign up on the “Connect” link above by just inputting your e-mail address. :)
      We’re really excited that you’re signing up!ReplyCancel

  • Betsy - Nice website, am looking forward to your updates and blogs. Am praying for you and your family every day. I’m humbled and proud of you and your family and what God has called you to do.ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks Mom! We really appreciate that and are thankful for you!ReplyCancel

  • Bill Vining Jr. - Love to get your updates. Marsha and I will support you on a limited bases. We will let you know. God bless you, (He already has) in your journey. May His grace consume you.

  • Clay Danner - Thanks Bill! I would love to chat with you soon!ReplyCancel

  • Janice Fleming - Love you guys and am praying much for you. Glad you are committed to God’s call and work in your lives!ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks so much for your support, Janice! We love you!ReplyCancel

  • Martha Womack - WOW! It was so good to find you again! I sat with your mom at the OBU Faculty/Staff banquet in August and she caught me up on you and your beautiful family! She accidently stopped by today, looking for another office, and gave me your website and told me about the link for your blog. It is so heart warming to hear how God has brought you into His grander story!!! Keep up the good work, and you will always be in my prayers.
    love, Mrs. MarthaReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - So good to hear from you, Martha! Hopefully I can see you this summer when we’re back visiting in June.ReplyCancel