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祢好!We hope that this finds you all well!

So, after about 32 hours of travel, we made it to Taiwan! The girls did very well for the most part. They thought being in airports was really cool and LOVED that the long flights from Detroit to Tokyo and Tokyo to Taipei they got to have their own TV in the back of the seat.

We finally made it!

We finally made it!

It also helped to have Uncle Mark waiting for us at the airport. The familiar face was a warm welcome for all of us. We even had our good friend Eva show up at midnight as a surprise just after we arrived at the guest apartments we’re currently staying in. We’ve been able to reconnect with some old friends already, which has been really nice.

So far the girls have done really well and I think they’re finally over jet lag. Charis especially has loved it. They’ve already become (in their minds) professionals on the subway. Charis has wanted to eat Chinese breakfast every.single.morning. Meili would drink this yogurt-type drink they have here the entire time if we would let her. Liliana is quite the fan of rice. They love walking the streets and got to see their first large rat today in an alley we walk quite a bit, which they thought was pretty cool – they even named him “Brownie”. View full post »

  • Meryl McGinley - So glad the girls are doing well. Praying for you all and that you find the right apartment. Blessings:)ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks, Meryl! We really appreciate your prayers on our behalf.ReplyCancel

  • Natalia Williams - So glad you all are well. Been thinking of you a lot and praying for you. Miss seeing of course. Love you so much!ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks Natalia! We miss seeing you guys as well.ReplyCancel

It seems that over the past year, every time that I’ve been led to think on the Lord and what He is to me, the very first word that comes to mind is “faithful”. Over and over and over again, I find myself thanking Him for being so faithful. It’s something I’ve been thinking through even more so here recently. Today marks 3 years officially cancer-free for me, which is a pretty big deal. Seriously, in my life over the years, time and time again He has proven faithful.

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  • Meryl McGinley - Enjoyed reading your blog. Your message really ministered to me regarding walking forward in faith and believing God to provide. I have found this to be true too. God bless you and I stand along side of you believing for His provision for you all.ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks so much for sharing, Meryl and thank you for standing with us!ReplyCancel

“You’re going out of town today?!” Charis said as I was dropping her off for her first day camp. “But what if you aren’t back to pick me up?!” “Charis, have I ever not picked you up?” “No.” she said. “Have I ever not been there for you?”  “No.” came her reply. “I will be tFaithGreaterThanFearhere today too.” I said a little frustrated at her irrational fear.

I felt the Lord gently remind me…”Rhonda, have I ever not provided for you? Have I ever not been there for you?” “Um, no.” I said in my spirit and smiled as I realized Charis’ worry was a reminder to me of my sometimes irrational fears and how the Lord is always there saying the same thing, “I AM FAITHFUL! I have never not been there for you.”

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  • Kandy - What a great analogy and vulnerable testimony. Thank you for sharing your struggle with all of us. Love you guys.ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks, Mrs. Kandy! We love you too.ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer Fresh - Rhonda and Clay,
    I can completely relate to your fears concerning your girls. When we felt called to become foster parents, our 3 biological children were a huge concern. How would having other children come into our home and live with us effect them? To make a long story short, God has shown me exactly what you already know. My 3 kids were made to be foster siblings. They have loved several other kiddos as if they were our own! It has been such a joy to see!

    We are praying for you, Clay and the girls! I know God has big plans for you and your ministry!

    Jennifer FreshReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks for sharing that, Jennifer! It’s awesome to hear of His faithfulness with you guys. Thank you so much for your prayers!ReplyCancel

  • Sabrina - bon courage! it’s going to be a wonderful journey with the Lord. I realise it’s not about where I am but it’s really about God’s presence with you wherever you go. (Exodus 33:15)

    Pray for the Lord’s clear guidance, peace, and joy be with your family forever!


    • Clay Danner - Thanks, Sabrina! We agree completely.ReplyCancel

  • Melissa Hester - Wow! This post brought me to tears! SO MUCH TRUTH in here that resonates!! And seriously, Rhonda, you are an amazing writer!! Well said, friend. Love you and praying for you guys on this tremendous adventure!! xoxoReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - Thanks so much, Mel! We love you too.ReplyCancel

  • Meryl McGinley - So excited for you all. Praying for you. Loved your message! It inspires me to continue to walk out in faith. Looking forward to your future blogs.ReplyCancel

  • Januce - Love reading this-will again and again!ReplyCancel

Meet Mark Zheng. This is the name of a man you will hear about quite a bit over the coming months and years as he is my closest friend and will be working alongside us during our time in Taiwan. He actually lives in Taipei. We had the pleasure of having Mark stay with us for most of the month of April, which was awesome! Our girls had a great time getting to know “Uncle Mark” better, which is great as they’ll have someone locally that they’re really familiar with when we do make the move.

While Mark was here, he graciously sat down to share his story on camera and to answer some questions that will help give you a better feel for what things are like in Taiwan. Right now, we’re going to introduce him and his story. In the video I also share our very first conversation, which was a bit of a “Who’s on first” situation in two languages – classic!



If you read my husband’s first blog post, he compared his journey to Bilbo Baggins in ‘The Hobbit.’ Well, where he relates to Bilbo, I relate to Kung Fu Panda :) …..seriously though.

I grew up as a pastor’s kid in South Carolina. I can remember in middle and high school feeling frustrated because I was always looked to as a “leader” and always being held to what seemed to be higher standards than other kids around me. I loved the Lord and had a relationship with Him even then. I distinctly remember a moment where I felt like the Lord was saying, “I wouldn’t have put you in this position if you couldn’t handle it.” So, I just embraced my life, looked to the Lord, and did what He asked me to do to the best that I could at that age.

My journey led me through college then overseas where I lived for a year in Poland and a year and a half in Taiwan. I remember trying to pin point what the Lord was “calling” me to in my future and I narrowed it to music or missions or both. I met Clay along the way and together we said forever to what the Lord had for us believing it would be back overseas one day.

A couple of years ago, the Lord showed us we were in the right place and our moving overseas would be coming soon. I kind of freaked out. :) I realized that in the few years leading up to this, there had been many insecurities, questions, and doubts that I had been believing about myself.  View full post »

  • Lisa - Tears! And laughter! Ice never seen the movie, but I kind of have to now.ReplyCancel

    • Clay Danner - :) Thanks for reading, Lisa!ReplyCancel

  • Diana - This is beautuful!!ReplyCancel

  • Mom - What blessing to read. I’m so proud to have you as my precious daughter. I thank God for your commitment to Him and the way He has used you in my life to draw me closer to Him. Love you and your sweet family!!!!ReplyCancel

  • rachel - needed these words this morning, friend!ReplyCancel

  • Terrie - Bilbo & dragon warrior,
    what a team! He doesn’t choose the qualified but qualify those whom He chose!!!
    Don’t think it’s delayed. The journey had begun. He has been preparing His vessels in every high and low. He honors your “yes”. The Lord WILL (that’s His desire, His heart, HIs zeal) fulfill His purpose for you!
    So proud of you!!!ReplyCancel