Our Story

In 1999, having just returned from what I (Clay) thought would be my only trip to Taiwan, and while at university in my hometown of Arkadelphia, AR, the Lord spoke very clearly to me that His plan for me was to spend my life for the sake of His Kingdom in Taiwan making disciples. I had other plans for my life that involved becoming wealthy and owning a lot of land, but after almost 4 months of daily saying “no” and trying to ignore God’s voice, He took me to the famous passage in Jeremiah 29.11, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a future and a hope.” Immediately upon reading those words, I finally said, “Ok. If this is what You have for me, then I am willing.”, and in that moment, everything changed.

While still in school, I led 3 more trips to Taiwan with many other amazing people.

Upon graduation, I moved to Taichung, Taiwan and lived there for 3 years, where I began learning Mandarin and making disciples of Jesus.

In 2001, while in training to move out to Taiwan, I met Rhonda.

Rhonda, a Clemson grad, grew up in Greenville, SC. Unsure of what God was calling her to do with her life, she knew that it involved musical worship and discipleship.

The Lord clearly led her to take a huge step of faith and spend a year in Poland, working with a team to play worship and share with/disciple college students.

After her year in Poland, she felt the Lord calling her to move to Taipei, Taiwan, continuing with the same work.

Upon returning to the States, we got married in 2007 and thought soon afterwards we would be returning to Taiwan.

Little did we know that the Lord would have us plant roots in South Carolina for close to 11 years.

During those interim years, we continued to live our mission of discipleship, trying  to equip and empower people the Lord brought into our lives, many of whom we are still very close to, to this day. This is also when our 3 amazing daughters were born – Charis, Meili, and Liliana.

Initially, while in Greenville, I worked in the blue collar world of chainsaws, chippers, & bucket trucks as an arborist. I was able to see, experience, and learn how to make disciples in that world as well as learn from a Godly business owner.

From there I stepped into the corporate world doing international marketing where I was able to work with people on all levels and with some of the biggest companies around the world. I learned how to carry Kingdom and make disciples in this world as well.

Right around the birth of our 3rd daughter was when we felt the Lord’s leading to prepare to return to Taiwan, where we have now been since January of 2016.

We are confident that the Lord has great plans for Taiwan and believe He wants to see His children here, in every area of society – mothers, fathers, students, workers, athletes, entertainers, businessmen and women, etc. – know who they were created to be, the plans God has for them, and be equipped and empowered to share the Gospel, carry God’s Kingdom, and disciple those God has placed in their lives. 

It is our honor to play a small part of the story He is writing. This is not just our story, however. We know that many others are essential to see this Kingdom vision come to pass, and we welcome you to prayerfully consider joining us on this adventure through prayer, giving, and/or visiting.

He’s already doing amazing things here. Won’t you join us?

For His glory,

Clay, Rhonda, Charis, Meili, & Liliana

Charis & Meili’s Baptism
We finally made it!

We finally made it!

Liliana gets a lot of attention...

Liliana gets a lot of attention...