Meet Mark: Our Friend & Teammate in Taiwan | His Story & Our First Conversation!
Meet Mark Zheng. This is the name of a man you will hear about quite a bit over the coming months and years as he is my closest friend and will be working alongside us during our time in Taiwan. He actually lives in Taipei. We had the pleasure of having Mark stay with us for most of the month of April, which was awesome! Our girls had a great time getting to know “Uncle Mark” better, which is great as they’ll have someone locally that they’re really familiar with when we do make the move.
While Mark was here, he graciously sat down to share his story on camera and to answer some questions that will help give you a better feel for what things are like in Taiwan. Right now, we’re going to introduce him and his story. In the video I also share our very first conversation, which was a bit of a “Who’s on first” situation in two languages – classic!