Obedience in a Buddhist Temple

June 6, 2018 Obedience in a Buddhist Temple https://youtu.be/RenI6OlFP34 Hey everyone! I wanted to share with you about a recent God-moment I had in a famous buddhist temple here in Taipei…I hope you enjoy and are encouraged! Much love, Clay Comments Larry AdamecJune 18, 2018 at 6:13 pm | EditReply Awesome testimoney!!! This made my day, I should have listened to it sooner. The Holy Spirit is close to all who trust in the Lord. Clay DannerJune 27, 2018 at 4:36 am | EditReply Thanks for commenting and watching it, Larry! God bless you! Paul JohnsonJune 11, 2018 at 9:15 am | EditReply Thank you for sharing how the Lord is growing your courage to obey what you hear from Him. Humanly speaking, it sounds risky. But because you are following His leading, it is a divine appointment. It is an adventure of sowing seeds of the gospel as you care for people which usually leads to opportunities to share Him with them. We are encouraged by your example! Clay DannerJune 27, 2018 at 4:41 am | EditReply Thanks for your comments and encouragement, Paul! We’re thankful for y’all. SmittyJune 10, 2018 at 3:00 pm | EditReply Praise the Lord for your obedience! Thanks so much for sharing! May the Lord continue to bless y’all…🧡 Clay DannerJune 11, 2018 at 3:21 am | EditReply Thanks so much, Mrs Smitty! I am so thankful for you and your continued prayers for us! Much love… Leave a Reply Cancel reply Logged in as Ani Kirkes. Edit your profile. Log out? Required fields are marked * Message* More Posts Let Your Faith Be Greater Than Your Fear! August 17, 2015 11 Love Through Power December 12, 2017 2 Charis & Meili’s Baptism! July 28, 2016 1 Support Our Mission Every gift helps us reach more people and share the love of Christ in meaningful ways. Donate

Love Through Power

December 12, 2017 Love Through Power Subheading to give the users a sneak peak about the content of the article. This past Sunday, I spoke at the church we attend and partner with, Every Nation Taipei. Pastor KC asked me to speak specifically about “lifestyle discipleship”, which I was very excited about doing. As I sat with Mark finishing up breakfast and coffee, we began praying for the Chinese and International services, the people who would be there, and also for my ability to communicate clearly in Chinese the message I had prepared. As we prayed, I felt like the Father was telling me that before I started sharing what I had prepared, that He wanted me to pray for healing for people with back problems. I had never started a service off that way in my life, but I really felt strongly it was from the Lord. After worship, I simply asked if there was anyone there who had pain in their back. Four people came forward to be prayed for and the Lord touched their lives! After I shared, I stayed on the side in case anyone wanted to come ask questions or receive prayer for anything. Several people came up with different problems in their body. There were shoulder issues, neck issues, and another back issue. Each person shared that they felt relief and that the Lord was bringing healing. One elderly lady came up informing us she had a bad problem with dry eyes. As we prayed, I saw her eyes beginning to water. We praised the Lord together for that healing and touch! I want to share with you in this blog post, however, about a lady named Sharon. Sharon informed me that she had a tumor in the middle of her brain. When first discovered, it was a pretty large tumor. The doctors who performed surgery on her were only able to remove about half of the mass due to it’s location. She asked if I would pray for her healing. Of course, I would! I asked her if she would be ok with me placing my hand on her head as I prayed for her, which she had no problem with. As soon as I began to pray, I felt an intense heat flow from my fingers into her head. Up to this point, with everyone I had prayed for, I hadn’t felt anything manifest physically, but with Sharon, I did. Her entire head began to heat up immediately. She began smiling as it happened. As I continued praying, the heat continued to intensify. If you’ve ever used those “Hot Hands” to put in your pocket to keep you warm in the cold, it felt a lot like that at it’s most intense. In the middle of my prayer I asked her, “Can you feel that?!”, to which she replied, “YES!” She then began giggling, then jumping, as the Father poured His love on her. I love the look on Sharon’s face as she experiences the Father’s tangible love. When we finished praying, she said that as we prayed, she felt like a huge, bright light was in front of her radiating heat. Hope (who was praying with me), said that she saw as she was praying, a picture of something just melting out of her. It was great being a part of that with her. Our close friend who has become family, Bertina, saw her and went to hug her several minutes later and said that she was still excited about how the Father had touched her and still had heat radiating from her, so much so that she was sweating. We all believe that the Father was healing her in that moment, through the name of Jesus. We are believing for a clear MRI report after her next visit (which isn’t until later next year, so we have a while).  I share this to give glory to God and to hopefully encourage and challenge you. See, I used to believe that healing, signs, and wonders – what I just like to refer to as the Father’s work, don’t happen anymore. That it was something that stopped long ago when the original Apostles passed away. To be honest, I don’t really know where that came from. Now however, I’ve seen many people healed and set free and touched by the Father’s love in the name of Jesus! It’s not 100% of the time, but it’s way more than it was when I didn’t believe. It’s even way more than when I did start believing but didn’t begin to step out in faith to pray for the person. I wish we could have seen Sybil healed completely earlier this year during her fight with cancer, but we didn’t. We are excited though, that she gave her life to the Lord through that process and is now with Him, completely free. I’ve seen enough now, through reading the Bible, and through personal experience to know, that God is very much in the business of healing and showing His love to people even now in 2017. I’m excited for the potential with Sharon’s testimony and experience of the Father’s love. I’m excited for all of the others that were prayed for on Sunday who didn’t “feel” any physical heat, but who did experience relief and peace from a problem that was actively bothering them. I have changed through this long walk toward believing that there’s more. I’ve grown to expect more. I now expect to see deliverance take place in my life and the lives of those around me. For a long time as I was learning it, I was scared to talk about it or bring it up, because to be honest, I had a fear of man. Even when I began seeing people healed and set free, I still feared man. No more. I suppose that’s one of the reasons I’m writing this blog post. I hope that it both challenges and encourages …

Update on Sybil!

March 30, 2017 Update on Sybil! https://youtu.be/HkkpRkQlToY We meant to post this video a few weeks ago, but due to computer issues are now able to do it. We have some exciting news to share regarding Sybil as well as some prayer requests. Please click the link below for the update. Thanks so much for your prayers and continued support! We hope you are encouraged… Comments JohnApril 3, 2017 at 3:42 pm | EditReply Woohoo! This is so encouraging. Thanks for sharing the testimony! CaseyMarch 30, 2017 at 6:11 pm | EditReply Praise the Lord!!! What amazing news!! So encouraging! We rejoice with y’all!! Praying for Sybil!! Clay DannerApril 3, 2017 at 4:33 am | EditReply Thanks, Casey! Leave a Reply Cancel reply Logged in as Ani Kirkes. Edit your profile. Log out? Required fields are marked * Message* More Posts Let Your Faith Be Greater Than Your Fear! August 17, 2015 11 Charis & Meili’s Baptism! July 28, 2016 1 Faithfulness & Indiana Jones December 4, 2015 2 Support Our Mission Every gift helps us reach more people and share the love of Christ in meaningful ways. Donate

hearing God and discipleship sermon

Hearing God and Discipleship

October 28, 2016 Hearing God and Discipleship Comments Leave a Reply Cancel reply Logged in as Ani Kirkes. Edit your profile. Log out? Required fields are marked * Message* More Posts Uncategorized Hearing God and Discipleship October 28, 2016 0 Uncategorized Peace: The Nearly Too Good To Be True News December 6, 2018 0 Uncategorized Good Friday Baptisms May 24, 2021 0 Support Our Mission Every gift helps us reach more people and share the love of Christ in meaningful ways. Donate

Sean’s Baptism!

August 23, 2016 Sean’s Baptism! https://youtu.be/Z4ryJlDFhVc So, this post is a bit late in coming, however we’ve been planning on putting it up for a while. We wanted to share with you a bit of the earliest baptism we’ve ever participated in, which was at 6am! The girls didn’t make it up for it, but it was still a special time with Sean, Mark, Kevin, & Rhonda. You’ll hear Sean sharing a bit of his story in Chinese & Mark translating into English prior to the splash. We’re really excited about how the Lord is moving in Sean’s life and want you to celebrate with him & us. Thanks so much for your prayers. Comments Leave a Reply Cancel reply Logged in as Ani Kirkes. Edit your profile. Log out? Required fields are marked * Message* More Posts Let Your Faith Be Greater Than Your Fear! August 17, 2015 11 An Unexpected Journey… March 15, 2015 12 Welcome Video April 20, 2016 1 Support Our Mission Every gift helps us reach more people and share the love of Christ in meaningful ways. Donate