Let Your Faith Be Greater Than Your Fear!

Faith Over Fear: Trusting God’s Plan in the Face of Uncertainty

“You’re going out of town today?!” Charis said as I was dropping her off for her first day camp. “But what if you aren’t back to pick me up?!” “Charis, have I ever not picked you up?” “No.” she said. “Have I ever not been there for you?”  “No.” came her reply. “I will be there today too.” I said a little frustrated at her irrational fear.

I felt the Lord gently remind me…”Rhonda, have I ever not provided for you? Have I ever not been there for you?” “Um, no.” I said in my spirit and smiled as I realized Charis’ worry was a reminder to me of my sometimes irrational fears and how the Lord is always there saying the same thing, “I AM FAITHFUL! I have never not been there for you.”

Raising support is a new adventure for us. It’s one that, I have to admit, is a little awkward and uncomfortable at times. These thoughts began coming to my mind…”What if we do the best we can and it’s a flop? What if, after all this time of waiting to return to Taiwan and walking through the doors He has opened, the money doesn’t come in? What if friendships are affected because people feel weird about not being able to support us?”

These are some of the thoughts that came one day not long ago. The word I kept hearing from the Lord is “faithful”. He always has been and always will be faithful. I felt Him challenge me to not apologize for what He is calling us to…to see it and share it as an opportunity to partner with what He is doing and wants to do in Taiwan.

“But what if my girls have a really hard time adjusting? What about the time they will miss with our family left in America? What about those relationships? I don’t know if I can watch them grieve at such a young age. It will break my heart. I don’t know how I’m going to do this.”

The Lord quickly reminds me, “I’ve made them for this Rhonda. I love them more than you do and I have a great adventure waiting for all of you. Your girls are in your family for a reason.” “Do you trust me?” “Yes, I do trust You.” The words of Peter come to mind, “Where else will I go?” Only You have the words of life.”

As I surrender…again…excitement replaces the fear. What an honor to be called to this! What an honor to be an empty vessel the Lord can use to reach the nations. This world has nothing to offer compared to the fullness of the Lord and walking in step with Him! That’s what I want my girls to know, to learn, and to experience for themselves even at ages 6, 4, and 8 months old, because He is worth it! He is worth all of it and more. This life is not about me…it’s not about my girls or Clay or our life together. It’s all about Jesus and making His name known and making Him famous in this life. It’s about the Father’s love and how His love can and will abolish fear among the nations and draw His sons and daughters home.

Is the Lord calling you to something that seems impossible? If so, is your fight bigger than your fear? I don’t want to miss out on anything He has for me. What an adventure this life is and we only have one life! So get out there and trust Him more than yourself. Let your faith be greater than your fear.


  • Januce

    Love reading this-will again and again!

  • Meryl McGinley

    So excited for you all. Praying for you. Loved your message! It inspires me to continue to walk out in faith. Looking forward to your future blogs.

    • Clay Danner

      Thank you, Meryl!

  • Wow! This post brought me to tears! SO MUCH TRUTH in here that resonates!! And seriously, Rhonda, you are an amazing writer!! Well said, friend. Love you and praying for you guys on this tremendous adventure!! xoxo

    • Clay Danner

      Thanks so much, Mel! We love you too.

  • Sabrina

    bon courage! it’s going to be a wonderful journey with the Lord. I realise it’s not about where I am but it’s really about God’s presence with you wherever you go. (Exodus 33:15)

    Pray for the Lord’s clear guidance, peace, and joy be with your family forever!


    • Clay Danner

      Thanks, Sabrina! We agree completely.

  • Jennifer Fresh

    Rhonda and Clay,
    I can completely relate to your fears concerning your girls. When we felt called to become foster parents, our 3 biological children were a huge concern. How would having other children come into our home and live with us effect them? To make a long story short, God has shown me exactly what you already know. My 3 kids were made to be foster siblings. They have loved several other kiddos as if they were our own! It has been such a joy to see!

    We are praying for you, Clay and the girls! I know God has big plans for you and your ministry!

    Jennifer Fresh

    • Clay Danner

      Thanks for sharing that, Jennifer! It’s awesome to hear of His faithfulness with you guys. Thank you so much for your prayers!

  • What a great analogy and vulnerable testimony. Thank you for sharing your struggle with all of us. Love you guys.

    • Clay Danner

      Thanks, Mrs. Kandy! We love you too.

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